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CNE Client Testimonials

AccuVent, Inc.

Boehm, Inc.

Debra Carr

Mary Mellard, DDS

Michael Hagan, DDS

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Phone: 281.890.6192


Our focus when working with clients is not simply to provide a service, but rather to provide value. We work best when we function as the IT department of our client's company, both of us sharing a vested interest in the company’s continued success. After all ... when you look good, we look good.

Here you will find comments from several of our clients. Check back from time to time; we'll soon be adding more.

 AccuVent, Inc.
Known as the ‘the restaurant kitchen hood people,’ AccuVent, Inc., is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of commercial kitchen ventilation equipment. Catering primarily to the restaurant industry, AccuVent offers a diverse line of ventilation products and prides itself on exceptional customer service.

“Knowledge, professionalism and timely work … CNE has it all.”

“As one of the first clients of CNE, I can honestly say that we still feel like one of their only clients. Even with how much they have grown in a short time, they still perform all their work on a very timely basis. They also do more than simply maintain our network. I feel that Mitchell goes out of his way to proactively suggest ways to use technology to improve our business. Likewise Jonathan does an exceptional job in making sure the staff fully understands the computers and the software used in our business.”

Robert Varney, Sales
AccuVent, Inc.

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Boehm Contracting, Inc.
Boehm Contracting, Inc. is a young contracting firm that is growing at a rapid pace. The firm has won several bids to oversee the construction of in-house banking facilities, but remains active in all types of construction management. Employing only six people, it’s vital that efficiency and productivity remain high at all times. With the management team on the road up to 85% of the time, staying in contact with the rest of the team is essential.

“In my business, time is money.”

“In my business, time is money. Anything that helps me save time will help me make money. That’s why I have Computer Network Enterprises handle our computers. I’m on the road nearly 85% of the time, so having a laptop that connects to our network is essential. The folks at CNE configured my laptop so that no matter where I travel, I can always have access to the data I need. Additionally, they work with the staff and the computers here on a regular basis to be sure everything is running properly. They’ve even helped us create bid sheets and other forms to make our operations more efficient.”

Bill Poole
Vice President, Operations
Boehm Contracting, Inc.

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Debra Carr
Since 1980, Affluent Living has been considered the leading resource guide offering products and services to the nation’s affluent. While it began in Orange County, California, the magazine now covers 24 markets throughout the country. The magazine, known here as Houston Home, reaches 104,000 of the most affluent and sophisticated decision makers.

“They excel in patience and tolerance.”

“It’s very simple … they taught me everything I know. In my job, having a computer to view emails and artwork … and being able to manipulate that artwork … is crucial. Mitchell built a new computer for me, and Jonathan was there to make sure I knew how to get the most of it. They both went above and beyond what is considered normal customer service. They excel in patience and tolerance. Not everyone has the same level of computer knowledge. The guys at CNE will come to your level – no matter where it is – and bring you to where you need to be. I can’t say enough about them. I’ve already referred them to a client of mine.”

Debra Carr
Sales Associate
Affluent Living / Houston Home

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Mary Mellard, DDS
Mary Mellard, DDS operates a cosmetic and family dentistry practice in Northwest Houston. She has practiced dentistry for 20 years and has received an intensive amount of education and training that only 3% of all dentists nationwide can match. Dr. Mellard offers a wide range of general and cosmetic dentistry services. She and her staff are dedicated to staying abreast of the latest dental technology, evaluating each new product and procedure and offering only what is in the patient’s best clinical interests.

“What has CNE done for my practice … everything.”

“Simply put, CNE makes my business run more smoothly. I first selected them to add a few new computers to my existing network. When they did this, they also evaluated my setup and suggested some changes to make things run more efficiently. I have somewhat of a technical background so when something broke down in the past, I had to stop what I was doing … practicing dentistry … and fix the problem. Now, with CNE coming in every month to maintain my network, I don’t have to worry about anything. Because of their exceptional work, I’ve chosen them to install a new web and email server for my practice.”

Mary Mellard, DDS

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Michael Hagan, DDS
Michael Hagan, DDS, operates a full-service orthodontics practice in Northwest Houston. He and his staff provide a complete range of orthodontic care, from initial growth products, to braces and on through to retainers. Dr. Hagan, who has practiced orthodontics for 19 years, serves children as well as adults in his practice.

“CNE always takes the time to be sure our staff understands everything.”

“When it was time to upgrade our network, we had CNE evaluate our situation and handle the upgrade. They were very professional, patient and reasonable when dealing with our staff. They explained technology carefully in terms that really made sense. All in all, CNE spends the time to do the job right the first time. Even now when issues arise, they are available immediately and are as patient as they were the first time to resolve the problem and be sure the staff understands everything. I have already recommended them to several of my colleagues.”

Michael Hagan, DDS

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